Commercial Noise Control

Commercial Noise Studies

We provide noise monitoring, noise studies and consulting services for commercial properties including retail developments, hotels, offices, restaurants and more.

We are experienced acoustical consultants and are familiar with solving commercial noise issues and noise ordinance compliance requirements. We produce noise studies and design noise control measures for existing and proposed commercial developments.

We have worked on numerous commercial noise issues, including:
  • Bar and restaurant noise monitoring and noise mitigation design

  • Noise studies for new offices, retail developments and hotels

  • Fast food restaurant drive-thru noise studies

  • Car wash noise studies

  • Auto repair shop noise studies

  • Reverberation assessments for offices and restaurants

  • Noise monitoring of protests near noise-sensitive commercial developments

  • We can provide practically any type of noise analysis or noise study reports required for commercial projects. When required, we provide noise study reports that include recommendations to solve your noise issues. Contact us and talk to one of our highly qualified acoustics specialists to find out more about our commercial noise services.

    Need to discuss your project with an acoustical consultant?
    For a free, no-obligation quote, get in touch with our team.


      Why choose us?

      Our experienced acoustic consulting team includes engineers with post-graduate degrees in Acoustical Engineering. We're available to discuss your project.
      Find out more about our team

      Our Clients Include: